About Us
The Buganda Community Action Network (BCANET) was conceived in 2016 in order to better integrate the healthcare, education and community engagement expertise of the UK based Buganda community and their local areas of origin.
The BCANET recognises that Buganda Kingdom people in Uganda suffer economic, social, educational, nutritional and housing disadvantages which cause or accentuate medical ill-health. “Health” means not just the physical well-being of an individual but refers to the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole Community in which each individual is able to achieve their full potential as a human being.
The BCANET pledges to act as an advocacy body in order to improve awareness for local healthcare services, quality primary education and local community engagement for community transformation and development in Buganda Kingdom as a whole. However, the BCANET will mainly strive to start its aforementioned improvement programmes in the rural Ggombolola (sub-county) of Kyebe, Kannabulemu in Buddu County.
What We Believe and Our Goal
Mission Statement
The BCANET embraces the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability, and involves the Local community in the development of local healthcare and education strategies. The scope of the BCANET includes:
- Reviving the degenerated local healthcare services and quality of primary education in Buddu County through supporting rehabilitation of the already existing old infrastructures and introducing new measures for their sustainability
- Advising on current and emerging issues, trends and themes relating to provision of local primary healthcare services and education; and raising awareness of these issues among stakeholders in a scientifically researched manner.
- Overseeing the implementation of healthcare programmes as agreed and endorsed by funders, and setting or recommending Key Performance Indicators (KPI) – to measure performance against pre-set standards or objectives.
- Research on Evidence-based interventions for implementing and achieving affordable healthcare standards and best practice health deliverance models in Buddu county-Uganda.
- To act as a prototype for affordable healthcare model, including the introduction of TeleHealth Services, digital medical records and be ready to share its expertise with other counties.
Our Achievements
The Buganda Community Action Network (BCANET) has successfully engaged with the community in Buddu to advance the initiative of improving healthcare, education and participation in the wider community structures.
The community is upbeat regarding the initiatives and individuals have signed up to offer their time in advancing the aims of BCANET.
Our Trustees
Below are the trustees of The Buganda Community Action Network (BCANET)